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Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Locky Ransomware Returns

The government has published a warning on the spread of locky ransomware. Locky ransomware will encrypt your data and lock your files and later on need to pay whatever amount they request and then only they will decrypt.

Indian computer emergency response team [ICERT]warned all internet users to look out for any suspicious emails with file attachments.The general way attackers managed to spread Lockey Ransomware.CERT said that a huge volume of the email operations in which 23 million emails have been sent fooling to establish Lockey Ransomware through emails. CERT recommended people not to click on attachments on email, like print now, photos, documents, any other files.How ever they may alternate methods to send or spread Locky Ransomware.The information contains the zip file with necessary visual scripts embedded in the secondary file; the VBS file includes a downloader which polls to domain 'greatesthits[dot]mygoldmusic[dot]com'(Don't visit this malicious website) to download modifications of Locky Ransomware.

CERT said.
Locky is the one of the most popular ransomware and first to have a large impact globally.The first reports of Locky Ransomware said last year.But other kinds of ransomware such as Petya and wanna cry become more common.Last month protection firms Symantec, Malwarebytes, and Comodo and others informed about the resurgence of Locky ransomware in cyber attacks.

Last month Malwarebytes said about two Locky Ransomware variants that used file extension [dot] diablo6, [dot] lukitus.

So you should be alert and do not click on any doubtful links and open unsure emails, properly take backup of your way to protect yourself is to make a backup, upload your necessary files to cloud storages.Don't place important files in hard disks which always connected to pc, instead place your files in drive and just use it when you need.

Best possible solution to stay safe from Locky Ransomware is avoided clicking external links, suspicious links, emails, any suspicious downloads.Once you're attacked by Locky Ransomware, You have to pay definitely to decrypt.

10 New Features Of iphone with iOS 11

New Features Of iphone with iOS 11

As you read in our previous tutorial, iPhone 8 going to roll out on 12th of September 2017, it comes with iOS 11 and let's see some of its features.

Apple redesigned the app store, which looks similar to apple music and apple news, the new layout will high light one new app every day and a separate tab for the games as well as in-app purchases provided in apps product page and also in search results so that it will be comfortable and easier.

This feature is already on Android, Now Siri understands not only voice commands, but now you can type in any questions also. 

This feature will be very much helpful in noisy conditions. You have to activate type to Siri option by going to general settings.

This feature is handy for any YouTube lovers; you can capture screen, i.e., there will be a built in screen recorder provided in iOS 11.

Screen shot, This feature is that whenever you take a screenshot, you have to go to the gallery to preview it. Instead, iPhone produced this functionality in which, when a screen shot made a small version of the screen shot previewed on screen.

One Handed Key Board, when you have both hands at disposal you can enable this feature to type in with one hand very comfortably, you can enable it by long pressing globe icon in the keyboard.

Wifi password sharing, you can share the wifi password when you connected to a network by taking the connected device close to the on connected device, only works with iOS 11.

Air pods, Previously to change tracks, forward users have to double tap airport to wake Siri and then throw a command to change track, now you can adjust settings to change track directly by double tapping air pods.

Apple was coming up with the 3D technology touch for apps like Safari, iMessage. The new OS let users switch between safari and share URL in message and lot more.

Color invert, So this feature is almost available on all devices, worth nothing. This feature changes the color of the font, display, etc. except, media and clips and some dark colored apps.

You can share all files and media with family members or friends; iOS 11 allows you to share common cloud plan with up to 6 members, you can share everything with them without no extra costs. But only authorized to 6 members.